eclipse – Hells Canyon Scenic Byway A Beautiful Drive in Northeast Oregon Thu, 20 Jul 2017 14:29:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 eclipse – Hells Canyon Scenic Byway 32 32 7 steps to avoid starting a wildfire during your #Eclipse2017 travels Thu, 20 Jul 2017 14:29:48 +0000 Arrive early, stay put, leave late; don’t let your vehicle start a wildfire.

The August 21 Solar Eclipse is certain to be memorable. With this worldwide event heading to Oregon during the peak of fire season, ODOT and the Oregon Department of Forestry want to make sure YOUR memories don’t include starting a wildfire. 

In the days surrounding the event, an estimated one million eclipse enthusiasts from all over the world are expected to travel within Oregon’s path of totality. And with 70% of wildfires caused by people, the odds are not in our favor. 

Luckily, you can do your part to better the odds and prevent wildfires by taking a few precautions: 

  1. Secure tow chains. Make sure all vehicle parts are secure and not dragging. A loose safety tow chain or muffler striking a rock or pavement can send a shower of sparks into dry vegetation.
  2. Check your tires and make sure they receive regular maintenance. Once a flat tire shreds, the bare wheel can shower sparks on roadside vegetation.
  3. Maintain your exhaust system. A worn-out catalytic converter can cast off extremely hot pieces of material into dry roadside vegetation.
  4. Check underneath your car. Make sure it’s free of oil leaks and that fuel and brake lines are intact.
  5. Stay off the grass. Avoid parking or idling on dry grass. Vehicle exhaust and dry vegetation is a dangerous combination.
  6. Stay on the road. Off-road driving is prohibited in most areas during fire season.
  7. Be prepared. Keep a cell phone, water, a shovel and fire extinguisher with you in case a fire starts.

 Of course, always follow recreational forest laws ( Report fires immediately to 911. Use or call 511 to check your planned route. For more eclipse travel tips and links, visit

Plan to have a good time in Oregon during the August #OREclipse. Plan ahead so you can!

For updated information on highway work and current travel information throughout Oregon, visit or call the Oregon road report at 511 or 1-800-977-6368 Visit the ODOT News Media Center at

This article was provided by:
Dave Thompson, ODOT, 503-860-8021,
Bobbi Doan, ODF, 503-945-7506,

Mystery of the Eclipse Explained Tue, 09 May 2017 21:23:17 +0000 BAKER CITY, OREGON__The Geiser Grand Hotel in historic Baker City, is excited to announce, the hotel has secured two space scientists as guests for the Solar Eclipse, August 19-21. Jayne Aubele and Larry S. Crumpler will provide context and understanding for the amazing eclipse! Jayne is the Adult Programs/Educator/Geologist and Larry is the Curator for the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. They’ve published many books and papers and won prestigious awards, such as the NASA Achievement Award.

Savvy scientists figured out years ago that the highest probability of clear skies in the entirety of the path of totality is right here in Baker City. That’s why the Geiser Grand Hotel has been sold out for more than two years.

“The early and ardent enthusiasm by scientists for the solar event inspired me to create a meaningful experience here,” said the Geiser’s owner, Barbara Sidway. ”We’re dazzled by these Planetary Geologists’ backgrounds.

Jayne Aubele is Senior Educator/Geologist for the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. She has a Master’s degree in geology and one in planetary science and is working on a long-overdue Ph.D. As a geologist, she has focused on volcanoes and has mapped and researched the geology of New Mexico and the southwest (in person) and of the Moon, Mars and Venus (remotely). Prior to coming to the NM Museum, she was a research scientist and Program Manager for NASA’s Space Grant Program at Brown University. She has published a large number of scientific papers, popular articles about science for the general public, and science curricula for K-12 teachers. She has taught earth and space science topics to K-12 students, K-12 teachers, and the adult public. She was asked to write the entry on “Earth” for the MacMillan Encyclopedia of Space Science and has authored or co-authored chapters in books including Volcanoes of North America, The Geology of Mars, and the Field Guide to the Sandia Mountains. She was technical advisor and on-air geologist for the NM-PBS program, The Sandias. She is past-President and current board member of the New Mexico Academy of Science, and is a Fellow of the Geological Society of America

Larry S. Crumpler, PHD, RESEARCH CURATOR, VOLCANOLOGY AND SPACE SCIENCE at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. His research interests include volcanology, magma ascent and eruption mechanics/ physics of volcanic emplacement processes and volcanic landscape processes; application of field geologic mapping and the analysis of recent volcanic structures and deposits; application of numerical modeling to the interpretation of physical processes of volcanism; Planetary Science, Comparative planetary volcanology of Mars, Venus, Earth; use of planetary data to understand volcanic processes from well-preserved planetary examples; exploration of Mars with surface landers and rovers. Dr. Crumpler is a participant in operations and science analysis of Viking Orbiter, Magellan, Odyssey, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and, currently, Mars Exploration Rover missions.

The scientists will make presentations and take questions at seven seatings: Dinner, 5 p.m. and 8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday; Brunch Sunday, 8 a.m. and 11 a.m., and Monday; 7:30 a.m. Tickets are $50 for dinner and $40 for brunch. Seating is limited, so we suggest calling for tickets early! Visitors who are camping, staying with friends or in motels are welcome to join in the adventure, including hanging out with our Space Scientists.

While the Geiser Grande Hotel rooms are sold out with a waiting list, the hotel is offering RV spaces as well as some dormitory style accommodations without private bath.

For more information, please call the Geiser Grand Hotel, 541.523.1889 or request by email to


